Our journey start from Queen streets train station, Glasgow. It tooks about 3 hours and 20 minutes from glasgow to inverness.
kat sebelah ni gambor aku amek time dalam train...subhanallah, indahnye ciptaan Allah...geram je aku tgk snow, rase cam nak terjun kuar tren je,huhu... tapi memeng scenery cantik sgt situ..
Sampai ke kat inverness town centre, Kitorang trus ke Raigmore hospital naik teksi...aku blur2 je, follow je la trip diorg ke hospital tu...
tibe2 aku terpikir,yang aku gi ikut diorang watpe. Aku bukan nye join pon meeting tuh, Hampeh!
dah la first time sampai sane...tgk2 kat situ bas takde pulak, so, dengan selambe nye aku trus jalan kaki balik ke Town..kalu nak tgu pun mau kematu gak coz meeting tu (lupe, seminar skali) stat dari 11 am till 5 pm...
i hv walked to the town for about 30-40 mins...and temperature at that time...3 degrees....sejuk oii!!!plus ujan lagi..campor lagi dgn bawak beg galas...chet, kalu hari2 mcm ni mau naik six packs aku!!!
akhitnye sampai gak aku kat town..
errr...nanti aku citer pasal kat town lak ek.ni baru mule2 sampai ni, ade lagi criter...hehe! okay, you can see some of the pictures aku mule2 sampai sane!
Before dat, have u heard about Loch Ness?Nessie?Water horse, legend of the deep?haha, i hv a story to share with you about dat, so wait for the next post! Salam!
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